Choco Rum & Raisin Muffins

I would be rather happy, If someday they name me: The Muffin man!!

On a much more philosophical note, since we weigh the pros and cons of every aspect of life, the benefits of cupcakes are many, namely
- easier to hide from your siblings or dessert hungry foodie friends.
- undoubtedly makes you feel less guilty (allows you to gobble up more)
- allows you to experiment with myriads of flavour profiles.
- can put an end to days of difficult fight with boss, colleagues friends or that special someone!!
- makes for lovely homemade gift hampers. !!
- most importantly super easy to make.

The reasons listed above is nothing new to foodies, but the last two points never fail to work for me. I took the pain to list all of these words so at cajole you into baking them for yourself or your loved ones. Most importantly, it never fails to amaze me, that how much happiness can this cute little thing, bring in to anyone. It is better to suffocate your sorrows with cupcakes, then drown yourself with sorrows. Right?? 

I made this batch of cupcakes for a special couple, whose wedding I had to give a miss. Moreover such gifts are important, when you meet them six months after the begining of their new life. But since I had to transport them, to their place, frosting was surely not an option ( Think about the limitations of home-made packaging). Now let me help you guys in baking  a batch of these. 

1. Start by sifting the dry ingrediants: 140gm flour + 1.5 tsp baking powder + 2tbsp cocoa powder + pinch if salt + 1 heaped tsp of coffee powder . Give a good mix & keep aside.
2. Melt 175 gm unsalted butter and 175 gm dark chocolate, over a double boiler, stirring until smooth.  Add in a cap-full of good vanilla extract +  1/2 tsp of orange extract.& 140 gm brown sugar. Once all of it has combined really well, remove from heat.
3. Preheat the convection mode in your microwave  to 180 C.
4. Allow the mixture to cool a bit, for 7-8 mins may be & then add in 3 eggs, lightly beaten ( the eggs should be at R.T). Mix in well.
5. Time to fold in the sifted dry ingrediants. It is advisable to fold them in lightly with the help of a spatula, or else you run the risk of them not rising and becoming dense.
6. Time to add in 1/3 cup of rum soaked raisins in to batter and give a final mix.
7. Line your muffin mould with cupcake liners and pour the chocolate batter into them. I could manage to get 15 out of them!!
8. Bake them at 160 C for about 35 mins. Insert a skewer and check for their done-ness. Cool them in their mould for at least 10-12 mins before removing them.
9. You can go-ahead and use chocolate frosting to add in that dash of glamour or a mere dusting of icing sugar would also give them the welcoming touch. I however did none of it.

1. I had bakes them at 175 C for 22 mins. 
2. It is advisable to soak the raisins in rum at least a week before you plan to make them. I added in a big pinch of cinnamon powder and some cloves to the rum, for that punch of flavours. In case you are in a hurry warm up this mix in a pan, and keep them side for at least a few hours.
3. Please feel free to substitute orange zest with the orange extract. I resorted to the extract, because I didn't have any orange in my fridge. I call this last minute hacks to save my back.
4. In case you want to make these in advance and store them, cool them completely and then pack them away in zip-lock and then store. They will stay well for at least 7-8 days, I am sure. My ones never lived that long. LOL.

While a lot of people might not agree, but I absolutely adore the cracked top of these babies. This is what gives them that beautiful imperfection of home cooked food.I insist you make this at your earliest. This is like that perfect option for an arranged marriage, that your parents can choose for you to fall in love with ( they say in arrange marriages eventually you do): Butter- Sugar- Rum-Raisin-Orange-Chocolate. Period. If you need more reasons than this, then God save you!!! The first bite will seal the deal for sure. See you guys soon.


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