Chicken Kaeng Som my way!!

So it's 2020 now. And let me promise you all an aromatic and flavorful year ahead!!

Hello all, I sincerely hope this new year has started un-ravelling itself on a positive note for all you wonderful people out there. And even if it hasn't it is probably time you grab your destiny by its neck, and show them how to win over every situation with a smile. Because grace and dignity aren't just words neither everyone's cup of tea.

Now to the cause! I have been MIS  for the last week or so, not because there are dearth of stories, but because time has been difficult to manage. But now I am kind-a back, and wish to be back again, like before, every week. More than you, that's a pledge I have taken for myself. This post is the begin-ing. Here I am going to tell you about my Thai chicken curry cooked with winter veggies for a small group of very close friends.  It was heart warming to watch them enjoy the simple home cooked fare.

This curry paste in question is Instant Kaeng-Som curry paste, isn't much of a popular variant of our very own red Thai curry. While internet and people around might have had different versions of how they cook their, I constructed mine, sole-ly depending on how I wanted to consume it. Honestly, after an array of dished spiked with Indian spices, I wanted the comfort of that broth-y and comforting burst of flavor with steamed rice. Also I took the liberty to add in ingredients according to my convenience and easy availability. While I wasn't much aware of the usage of this (bought in hurry during my Thailand trip), it was much later that I read up that fish is what Thai people mostly associate this curry base with.

Here's a glimpse of what you need. This image has most of the tings, except palm sugar, lime, and dry red chilies, and then coconut milk. That's it!!

1.I start with heating about 2 tbsp of vegetable oil in  wide surface pan over medium heat, Add in 3 garlic cloves, chopped + ginger chopped 1 tbsp + 1 tbsp of red chili flakes+ 1 star anise + 5-6 black pepper-cons. Wash 1 kilo chicken, cut into small pieces.

2. Once the garlic is about to turn golden, add in the chopped spring onion white. The quantity measure can be less than 1 cup. Add in a pinch of salt, and cook until softened.

3. In the meantime, chop up 1+1/2 medium size carrots into semi circles, and keep aside. Separate Pui bituli ( I am yet to find out the english name, but here's the image for your ref) + de-shell a handful of green peas. Keep aside.

4. Once the spring onions have softened, add in 4.5 tbsp of the instant curry paste and stir vigorously in that flavored oil of the pan. Keep stirring, till the lumps have broken down and they start giving out their nutty and shrimp-y aroma. I sprinkle in some water at this point on the pan, so that the paste can work out better. Mix the water with the paste and cook till oil starts coming out from the sides.

5. Time to add in the chicken to the paste at this point and stir vigorously to combine them well.

6. Once the chicken is well coated time to add in about 1.5 cups of thin coconut milk + 3 lime leaves ( torn)+ 3 chopped birds eye chilies+ chopped carrots + pui bituli + green peas and give a good mix.

7. Add in 2-3 tbsp fish sauce (depending on your taste) + 2 tsp palm sugar and juice of half a lime and cook on medium flame, till they com to a gentle oil.

8. Once you see the bubbles appearing, add in 250 ml coconut milk to the pan, mix well allow it to cook for the final magic to happen.clap a lid on! It will take bout 15 mins to get done.

9. After 15 ins, lift the lid, and stir once, taste for seasoning and adjust if required. Check on the veggies and the chicken for done-ness.

10. Serve with piping ho steamed rice for yourself, family & friends to relish.

Against the warmth of the Sunday winter sun, this was a great treat for he senses. Subtle, sensuous yet sen-sational. Hassel free food of this sort has started piquing my interest for quite some time now. Also because there is no story of being exhausted during all the prep and being no time to enjoy the gathering, a story of most households. Since I adore different textures in my food, I think next time I might just serve them with some sago or prawn crackers on the side.

Here are some notes for all of you:

1. I used 5 tbsp of Maggi coconut milk powder mixed in 12.25 cups of warm water for my thin coconut milk. You can opt for the canned ones as well.

2. I had added in more than 3 birds eye chilies since I am a sucker for heat in my food.

3. Since its winters, you can choose to add in some jaggery instead of sugar to your dish. Just keep tasting, while you adjust, in order to stop it form being a sugar-y syrup.

4. Also lime juice, needs to be added depending on your taste buds for sure. Just remember any sort of Thai curry needs to be balanced, satiating all your taste notes at the same time.

5. It is advisable to buy a small bottle of fish sauce, in case you don't have one. Fish sauce imparts a superlative depth of savory flavor to the dish.

6. I have picked up inter veggies according to the availability and my choice. Please feel free to change the components, according to your preference for sure.

That's all for now. Allow the balance of Thai curries to help you balance out your life.
Live. Love. Laugh. Eat. Repeat.

See you all soon!!


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